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Ladies 4 person scramble league Begins – Sponsored by Cork Culture

Event Details

  • Date:

2023 Wednesday 9 Hole Ladies Scramble Night

The opening date for Ladies Night Scramble League is May 17th and it runs until September 13th.

Non-members have the option to pay $350.00 to walk or $500.00 with a Power Cart. This includes golf every Wednesday with tee times beginning at 3:00pm and entry into our Final 18 Hole Tournament on Saturday, September 23rd.

If you would like to pay as you go, the fee each night is $25.00 to walk and $35.00 with a cart. This fee is for 9 holes each week. If you would like to continue and play the back 9, there will be an additional $5.00 fee to walk and a $10.00 fee with the power cart.

Register as a team of 4 with a team name to be included in the yearly scoring system. Everyone that registers must pay the $25.00 league entry fee. If you do not have a full team we will do our best to pair you up with other players.

Weekly sponsors will provide additional prizes.

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