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Men’s Night Registration and Skins Game

Event Details

  • Date:

The opening date for Men’s Night is May 11th and runs until September 14th.  Everyone that registers for the league must pay the $25.00 league fee for the year.  Non-members have the option to pay $375.00 to walk or $550.00 with a Power Cart for the year.  This includes golf every Thursday and entry into our Men’s Final Tournament on Sunday, September 25th.  If you would like to pay as you go the fee each night is $30.00 to walk and $40.00 with a cart.  These fees are for 9 holes each week.  If you would like to continue and play the back 9, there will be an additional $5.00 fee to walk and a $10.00 fee with the power cart.

Tee times begin at 12:00pm


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